Ann Corson

During the 2022 International Religious Freedom Summit, the Hudson Institute hosted an in-person breakout session on June 30th entitled “China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Continues,” which included Hudson Institute Senior Fellow and Chair of the U.S. […]

Given the overwhelming evidence that China’s organ procurement and transplant system is founded on the murder of innocent people and the monetization of their bodies on an epic scale, it is well past time for

An analysis of Chinese medical journal articles found multiple reports of transplant operations in which the organ “donor” may have still been alive. The analysis, “Cases Abusing Brain Death Definition in Organ Procurement in China,”

ISHLT revises policy to include ban on all Chinese transplant research submissions In a June public statement, the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation instituted a ban on all transplant research submissions from mainland

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Associate Professor and forensic nurse Dr. Kathleen Thimsen was interviewed on the topic of forced organ harvesting in China by Joe Gaccione of the Vital Views podcast of the

A teacher at China’s Lanzhou University, who suffered a severe heart attack and developed heart failure, recently received a heart transplant after waiting on the transplant list for just four days. The surgery took place

Forced live organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China is once again in the spotlight, as former Japanese gang leader Ushio Sugawara has stepped forward to reveal a harrowing tale. Sugawara, former leader in

On July 20, 2022, the 23rd anniversary of the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, Epoch TV’s show Crossroads aired the story “Organ Harvesting and Torture: Exposing the Chinese Regime’s 23-Year Persecution

The Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues, a Paris-based think tank composed of academicians and business people, published an article on July 4 titled “Organ harvesting in China or the criminal business of

Human rights advocates sought to make the forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners the focus when addressing human rights issues with China at the International Religious Freedom Summit 2022 in Washington from June 28–30.