Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting:
Vatican Should Not Give Blessing to China’s Organ Harvesting Whitewash
DAFOH press release – Feb 3, 2017
China’s participation in an organ trafficking summit hosted by the Vatican science group comes despite no evidence that past practices of forced organ harvesting have ended; alleged reforms in China remain unverified due to lack of transparency.
China Attempts to Use the Vatican to Cover Up Forced Organ Harvesting Crimes
DAFOH Statement – Feb 6, 2017
The lack of transparency about organ sources in China is a mask of deception. The full scope of forced organ harvesting from Chinese prisoners of conscience remains unknown. The Vatican should not be misled by empty pledges of reform by an atheist government that persecutes its most devout citizens.
The Elephant in the Room — China Continues Forced Organ Harvesting; DAFOH Cautions Transplant Community On Falling Short in Response
DAFOH press release – Feb 14, 2017
Following the admission by a top Chinese medical authority that illegal harvesting of human organs can still occur in China, advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) calls on global health organizations and the international community to act.
The Elephant in the Room — China Continues Forced Organ Harvesting; DAFOH Cautions Transplant Community On Falling Short in Response
Yahoo! News – Feb 14, 2017
While only few conference attendees openly addressed the admitted ethical breach, the majority of the group did not challenge the representatives from China.
The Elephant in the Room — China Continues Forced Organ Harvesting; DAFOH Cautions Transplant Community On Falling Short in Response
SATPRNEWS – Feb 14, 2017
The Chinese government appears to want to have it both ways: credit from the international community for empty claims of ending unethical organ harvesting from prisoners, while legally keeping a back door open for a continuous supply of those same illegally harvested organs.
No nation is free of organ trafficking, say speakers at Vatican summit
Catholic News Service – Feb 8, 2017
In this 2003 file photo, an unidentified Brazilian man shows the scar after an operation to remove his kidney in Durban, South Africa. An organ-trafficking syndicate involving Brazilians, Israelis and South Africans organized the illegal operations …
Vatican plans to fight organ trafficking; brings representatives from 52 countries together
Rome Reports – Feb 8, 2017
For the first time in history, the Vatican has organized a meeting to address obscure organ trafficking and transplant tourism in more than 50 countries from around the world. This is another form of modern slavery that Pope Francis is determined to …
Row at organ transplant summit
Vatican summit participants vow efforts to stop organ trafficking
Catholic News Service – Feb 9, 2017
A Vatican summit on organ trafficking called for greater efforts to prevent the exploitation of those vulnerable to corrupt health professionals and criminal networks making the sale of human organs possible. “We, the undersigned…
The Epoch Times:
Chinese Transplant Doctor Accused of Ordering Executions to Speak at Vatican
The Epoch Times – Feb 6, 2017
Two fresh livers delivered within twenty-four hours of Dr. Huang Jiefu’s request were never used, according to four official Chinese media reports. The U.S. House of Representatives, among others, have concluded that prisoners of conscience, primarily Falun Gong, are the pre-blood typed captive population killed on demand for organs.
Chinese Transplant Doctors’ Flimsy Defense at Vatican Meets Fierce Rebuttal
The Epoch Times – Feb 8, 2017
For months a prestigious conference on combating international organ trafficking and transplant tourism had been planned at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Experts in the field were in attendance, and Pope Francis, it appears, was scheduled to …
Vatican Conference Spreads Misinformation About Organ Harvesting in China
The Epoch Times – Feb 14, 2017
Much commentary has emerged on the recent conference on combating organ trafficking and transplant tourism hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican.
China Says It Has Stopped Harvesting Organs, but Evidence Belies Its Claim
The Epoch Times – Feb 16, 2017
The Chinese government has claimed the country no longer harvests organs from prisoners. But recent revelations about two leading Chinese researchers indicate this may not be true.
United States:
Sparks Fly as Vatican Conference Challenges China on Organs
New York Times – Feb 7, 2017
Participants at a Vatican conference on organ trafficking challenged China on Tuesday to allow independent scrutiny to ensure it is no longer using organs from executed prisoners, saying Chinese assurances aren’t enough to prove the transplant program has been reformed.
Sparks fly as Vatican conference challenges China on organs
Associated Press/ Yahoo! News – Feb 7, 2017
Sparks flew in the afternoon session of the meeting as China’s former vice health minister, Dr. Huang Jiefu, sought to assure the international medical community that China was “mending its ways” after declaring an end to the prisoner harvesting program in 2015.
Sparks fly as Vatican conference challenges China on organs
Washington Times – Feb 7, 2017
“I am fully aware of the speculation about my participation in the summit,” Huang told the conference, citing “continuing concerns about the transplant activities.”
Debate Flares Over China’s Inclusion at Vatican Organ Trafficking Meeting
New York Times – Feb 7, 2017
A politely worded but testy debate has flared over a Vatican conference on human organ trafficking, with a group of ethicists warning that China will use the participation of its most senior transplant official to convince the world that it has overhauled its organ procurement system.
MSU professor invited to Vatican to aid fight against organ trafficking
Michigan Radio – Feb 7, 2017
They’re called “transplant tourists.” In need of an organ transplant but lacking a donor, they travel to countries where human organs are available for purchase on the black market. The organs they buy are harvested from the poorest of the poor, those who are most desperate for money. Often, after the organs are taken, the promised payments are never made.
Vatican defends decision to invite China to organ-trafficking summit
Religion News Service – Feb 8, 2017
The Vatican has defended its decision to invite China to an organ trafficking summit after an outcry from medical experts and ethicists about the country’s record of using executed prisoners as organ donors.
China May Still be Harvesting Organs from Prisoners, Official Says
Newsweek – Feb 8, 2017
A Chinese official has suggested China may still be using organs farmed from the bodies of executed prisoners. Huang Jiefu, director of Beijing’s transplant program, said at a Vatican summit on the topic that organ collection could still be taking place, despite China declaring zero tolerance for the practice at the end of 2014.
Vatican defends decision to invite China to organ-trafficking summit
Deseret News – Feb 8, 2017
The Vatican has defended its decision to invite China to an organ trafficking summit after an outcry from medical experts and ethicists about the country’s record of using executed prisoners as organ donors.
Sparks fly as Vatican conference challenges China on organs – removed from archives
New Jersey Herald – Feb 8, 2017
Msgr. Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, head of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, delivers his message at a conference on ‘Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism’, held at the Vatican, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017
Sparks fly as Vatican conference challenges China on organs harvested from prisoners
CTVNews – Feb 7, 2017
Participants at a Vatican conference on organ trafficking challenged China on Tuesday to allow independent scrutiny to ensure it is no longer using organs from executed prisoners, saying Chinese assurances aren’t enough to prove the transplant program has been reformed.
United Kingdom:
Vatican defends inviting Chinese ex-minister to organ trafficking talks
The Guardian – Feb 6, 2017
Huang Jiefu’s inclusion at summit risks conferring legitimacy on Beijing’s transplantation programme, say critics
Vatican defends China invite to organ trafficking summit
BBC News – Feb 7, 2017
The Vatican has defended its decision to invite China to a conference on organ trafficking despite its record of using executed inmates as organ donors. The head of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) admitted he did not know whether the practice…
China may still be using executed prisoners’ organs, official admits
The Guardian – Feb 7, 2017
Campaigners say Vatican risks legitimizing China’s practices by giving Huang, pictured, a platform at summit.
Vatican defends inviting ex-Chinese health minister to organ trafficking conference
Catholic Herald Online – Feb 7, 2017
China is stepping up its efforts to persuade the international medical community that it has stopped using executed prisoners as organ donors, sending a high-level delegation to a Vatican conference amid continued skepticism that the practice has ended.
Vatican row as China invited to organ transplant meet
Daily Mail – Feb 8, 2017
Ethics experts and human rights lawyers slammed the Vatican for inviting a top Chinese health official to an organ trafficking summit despite concerns the Asian giant still uses tissue from executed prisoners.
Ex-Chinese health minister challenged over organ trafficking at Vatican conference
Catholic Herald Online – Feb 8, 2017
Participants at a Vatican conference on organ trafficking challenged China on Tuesday to allow independent scrutiny to ensure it is no longer using organs from executed prisoners, saying Chinese assurances aren’t enough to prove the transplant …
Vatican defends inviting China to organ trafficking meeting
Premier – Feb 8, 2017
The Vatican has defended inviting China to an organ trafficking conference, despite the country’s history of executing people to harvest their organs. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) said the Chinese former deputy health minister it invited to …
Vatican faces outcry for inviting Chinese official to organ summit
BMJ – Feb 9, 2017
Doctors and medical ethicists have strongly criticised the Vatican for inviting a Chinese health official to a summit on organ trafficking, despite claims that China still sanctions the removal of organs from executed prisoners and ethnic minorities.
Organ harvesting in China: ‘A crime against humanity’ Pope Francis was correct in not shaking Chinese surgeon’s bloodstained hand
La Croix International – Feb 17, 2017
Exclaimed activist Benedict Rogers, adding, “Pope Francis has described the trade in organs as ‘immoral and a crime against humanity’. The church should support calls for an international inquiry into what David Matas describes as the ‘mass killing of innocents’ and Ethan Gutmann calls ‘a form of genocide cloaked in modern medical scrubs’.”
Global media in English:
Vatican conference challenges China on organ transplant ethics
Deutsche Welle – Feb 7, 2017
A Vatican conference on organ trafficking has put pressure on China to more closely monitor its organ transplants. China operated a program under which many transplanted organs came from executed persons. Organ transplantation in China
(Organ trafficking) China transparency under a cloud for long
Hong Kong Standard – Feb 7, 2017
The Vatican conference is part of Pope Francis’ efforts to crack down on trafficking in humans and organs. China’s participation also conveniently corresponded with his efforts to engage Beijing in hopes of improving diplomatic relations.
China may still be using executed prisoners’ organs, official admits
The Star Online – Feb 7, 2017
China will attend an organ trafficking summit at the Vatican for the first time, local media said, as Beijing tries to persuade the world it is no longer using executed prisoners as donors.
Vatican Conference Blasts China for Organ Trafficking
Breitbart News – Feb 8, 2017
The Vatican’s conference on organ trafficking included an awkward appearance from China, long accused of harvesting organs from prisoners.
Vatican defends inviting China to organ trafficking meeting
Premier. – Feb 8, 2017
The Vatican has defended inviting China to an organ trafficking conference, despite the country’s history of executing people to harvest their organs.
China “mending its ways” on unethical organ transplants, official says
Reuters – Feb 8, 2017
Beijing’s top official on transplants said on Tuesday Beijing was “mending its ways” from a murky past when organs were taken from detained or executed prisoners.
Sparks fly as Vatican conference challenges China on organs
The Indian Express – Feb 8, 2017
In 2015, China officially ended the systematic use of organs from executed or detained prisoners in transplant procedures, but international human rights groups and medical ethicists have called for more transparency.
‘Shocking’: China invited to organ trade meet
China Post – Feb 8, 2017
Ethics experts and human rights lawyers slammed the Vatican Tuesday for inviting a top Chinese health official to an organ trafficking summit despite concerns the Asian giant still uses tissue from executed prisoners.
Vatican row as China invited to organ transplant meet
Uganda New Vision – Feb 8, 2017
Ethics experts and human rights lawyers slammed the Vatican Tuesday for inviting a top Chinese health official to an organ trafficking summit despite concerns the Asian giant still uses tissue from executed prisoners.
Vatican conference challenges China on organ trafficking
Taipei Times – Feb 9, 2017
TRANSPARENCY: China’s representative said that the country should not be singled out for inspection, as doubts persist that it has stopped the practice
Vatican row as China invited to organ transplant meet
UCA News – Feb 9, 2017
Presence criticized as many fear Beijing still uses organs from executed prisoners
Forced organ harvesting may still be occurring – Chinese official
BioEdge – Feb 11, 2017
A senior government official has admitted that forced organ harvesting from executed prisoners may still be occurring in China, sparking calls for international inspections in the country.
China says it has stopped harvesting organs, but evidence belies its claim
The Conversation – Feb 15, 2017
International authorities should demand a full account of the real sources of organs in China before believing any more claims about reform.
Italian media with selected translations:
Sanità, Dafoh: Il Vaticano non dovrebbe dare benedizione alla Cina per il nascosto prelievo d’organi
Agenparl – Feb 3, 2017
Traffico d’organi. Romani (Idv): “Dubbi su presenza cinesi a vertice in Vaticano”
Quotidiano Sanità – Feb 6, 2017 parlamento/articolo.php?articolo_id=47633
“Allo stato attuale, infatti, in assenza di ispezioni libere e indipendenti, non si ha alcuna certezza che la Cina abbia effettivamente posto fine alla pratica crudele e illegale di prelievo forzato di organi”. Così il vicepresidente della commissione Sanità e primo firmatario della legge che regolamenta il commercio illecito di organi prelevati da persone viventi.
“At present, in fact, in the absence of free and independent inspections, we do not have any certainty that China has effectively put an end to the cruel and illegal practice of forced organ removal, particularly from Falun Gong practitioners, but also by Christians and other prisoners of conscience. “the State Senator Maurizio Romani (IDV), Vice-President of the Health commission and the petitioner, the law regulating the illegal trade in organs from living people.
“I consider well-founded concerns expressed by DAFOH (Doctors against Forced Organ Harvesting) the organization of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, of which I am a member – said Romani – because today you have no way to verify with certainty that the China has turned the page on abuse on transplants and taken steps to reform announced .”
Anche la Cina al summit in Vaticano sul traffico di organi, è polemica
La Repubblica – Feb 7, 2017
Il vertice oggi e domani alla Pontificia accademia delle scienze. Insorgono i medici per i diritti umani: “Il Paese dimostri di aver interrotto la pratica del prelievo forzato sui condannati a morte”
Vaticano, Al summit sul traffico dei trapianti la Cina rassicura che non fa più espianti ai condannati a morte
Il Mattinino – Feb 7, 2017
Vaticano, Al summit sul traffico dei trapianti la Cina rassicura che non fa più espianti ai condannati a morte
Il Messaggero – Feb 8, 2017
“Among the participating delegations that even China has sent to Rome a former Minister of Health provided data, percentage, scientific projections to reassure the international community that it is in 2015 that the Chinese territory no longer exists organ harvesting those condemned to death and prisoners. “We have banned.” The situation has always raised protests from several international companies who demanded (and ask) in Beijing to put an end to the forced removal of organs from prisoners (often persecuted members of the Falun Gong).
The latest protest goes back a few days ago when a powerful American NGO, Dafoh, criticized the Vatican for having invited to the summit as China, a country where “still harvesting organs from death row inmates.” The Chinese minister, Huang Jiefu, in its report, has argued that Beijing’s reality is now different, that there has been a breakthrough very serious legislation. “I do not understand those who wanted to speculate about my presence at the Vatican here,” before quoting a phrase of Confucius: “The superior man’s errors are similar to the eclipses of the sun and moon. All realize it when they make mistakes, and we all admire when you repent. ”
Pechino usa il Vaticano per coprire il suo traffico di organi
La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana – Feb 8, 2017
Traffico di organi: Vaticano in difesa della Cina. Huang Jiefu: Non ho nessun compito diplomatico – Feb 8, 2017
Migrazioni… di organi
Irma Loredana Galgano – Feb 14, 2017
Esplora il significato del termine: Cina-Vaticano, la conferenza e le polemiche sul traffico d’organi
Corriere della Sera – Feb 17, 2017
“Dr. Huang Jiefu, former Deputy Minister of Health of China, is in the Vatican, invited to attend the conference of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on “Organ trafficking and transplant tourism.” Its presence has opened a controversy. A group of medical ethics experts wrote a letter of protest expressing “shock” because it is known that in China for years have been explanted organs from death row inmates and the practice would still be in progress. The petitioners argue that it is inappropriate to give an international megaphone for the Chinese representative, because the Beijing government will use the recognition for propaganda purposes.
The problem is not only the Chinese: there are African and Asian migrants are forced to pay the illegal journey to Europe with their own bodies. “Slavery, a crime against humanity”, he called the Pope. From 1st January 2015, Beijing has officially put an end to the levy (without prior consent) of organs from prisoners on death row. But even in 2016 an international report argued that the removal of organs from prisoners continues. Donors were just over 4,000 last year in China and organs made available to 11,000, while there are 300,000 people on the waiting list for a transplant.”
French language media:
Le Vatican invite pour la première fois la Chine à une conférence sur les dons d’organes
LaCroix – Feb 7, 2017
Invitée par l’Académie pontificale des sciences au Vatican, la Chine veut convaincre de sa bonne foi sur sa nouvelle politique des dons d’organes, toujours opaque.
Spanish language media:
Polémica presencia china en un foro sobre tráfico de órganos en el Vaticano
Listin Diario – Feb 9, 2017