Information Booth at the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
Conference 2014
DAFOH hosted a booth to increase awareness on forced organ harvesting at the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, ILADS, 2014 annual conference ILADS 2014 DC in Washington DC. Over 500 doctors from all over the US, Canada, Europe and Australia attended this event about the treatment of the growing epidemic of tick borne diseases.
ILADS doctors, nurses, and patient advocates took great interest in the DAFOH booth, learning about the atrocities of forced organ harvesting in China, requesting evidence and printed information, and by signing petitions condemning this genocide. Most had never heard anything about forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China, the persecution of religious and spiritual groups for profit, or the pending legislation in the US to halt the practice and prevent global collusion in these practices.
Nick Harris, PhD, Dan Cameron, MD, President of ILADS, and Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr., MD
Visiting the booth, a doctor from Poland was moved to tears when she learned the truth. She took informational materials to share with her colleagues in Poland and for her husband’s coworkers here in DC. A nephrologist from a prestigious American medical clinic was shocked and saddened to review the evidence, especially the staggering numbers of rapid kidney transplants in China and the high profile advertising efforts of the Chinese transplant hospitals to recruit nephrology patients world wide.
DAFOH booth at the 2014 ILADS Conference
Many doctors from the US signed a petition supporting the pending Congressional H.Res. 281, while others signed DAFOH’s petition to the UN. Many health care professionals from around the world registered to receive the DAFOH newsletter. Dr. Leo Shea, past president of ILADS learned about forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China at the DAFOH booth.
Dr. Leo Shea III at DAFOH booth at ILADS 2014