DAFOH Executive Director brings needed attention to China’s hidden behemoth
In his recent article “China’s Desperate Attempts to Hide the Genocide that Drives its Transplant Industry,” Dr. Torsten Trey, DAFOH Executive Director, explains how China’s misleading donor registry statistics and pervasive data manipulation and fabrication have led to “the uncritical acceptance of the Chinese narrative by some spheres within the international community creating an environment of impunity where crimes against humanity such as the state-driven cold genocide against Falun Gong was able to build.”
American Medical Association considers resolution on forced organ harvesting
The Medical Society of the District of Columbia submitted a resolution at the AMA Annual Meeting calling for an “independent, interdisciplinary, transparent investigation” of transplant medicine in China, for the US government to protect transplant tourists by blacklisting specific countries, and for the implementation of measures within the US medical community to prevent complicity in ethical violations. Raymond Scalettar, former chair of the AMA Board of Trustees, said that the resolution was an important step towards ending this cold genocide.
Evidence supports a “damning verdict” for China’s human organ transplant industry
On February 7th, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion by British human rights activist Benedict Rogers who describes China’s transplant industry as a “nightmare” where organs for transplant are sourced from non-consenting prisoners of conscience. He claims that “China’s numbers don’t add up” as the actual volume of transplant operations performed in China far outnumber the number of officially recorded voluntary donors. Rogers enumerates varied evidence indicating the only plausible explanation is that organs from prisoners of conscience rather than organs from voluntary donations form the foundation of China’s exponential growth in transplant medicine.
Journalist challenges governments to re-evaluate engagement with China
While testifying before the European Court of Human Rights, Ethan Gutmann, author of The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting and China’s Secret Solution to its Dissident Problem, detailed the paradoxical relationship many countries have with China. Vanguard’s editor queries, “If we hold the regime like this in such high regard, what does it say about us? We condemn North Korea for its human rights abuses. Yet we view China as a trading partner and as a part of the global community, and agree to their censorship rules when doing business inside China.”
Actress says governments have more leverage over China than they may realize
Anastasia Lin, actress, activist and 2015 Miss World Canada, was in New Zealand for a showing of the film, The Bleeding Edge. Lin stars as a young teacher persecuted for her spiritual beliefs who became a victim of forced organ harvesting in China. During media appearances, Lin stressed that the world’s governments do have the power to make a significant impact on China’s human rights abuses, especially its organ harvesting crimes, as long as they work with coordinated effort.
Controversy follows exhibit of human remains viewed by millions around the world
Aisha Dow from The Sydney Morning Herald takes an in depth look at the Real Bodies exhibition of plasticized human corpses and questions where the bodies come from. Due to uncertainty regarding the source of specimens, the Australian parliament has been urged to strengthen laws to prevent the use of human remains for commercial reasons without proof of prior consent from the donor or next-of-kin.
Organs extracted from Chinese woman who dies suddenly while in custody
A 64-year-old woman, Ma Guilan, from Qinhuangdao City in Hebei Province, was incarcerated by police for speaking to people about the spiritual practice, Falun Gong. Two months later, she fell ill and was transferred to Qinhuangdao Police Hospital where she died two hours later. Unknown officials came to the hospital and extracted her organs. It is possible that her organs were procured for China’s illicit organ transplant industry.
Chinese media reports rapid growth in organ donations this year
Chinese News Service, China’s second largest state news mouth piece, claims that 18,000 organs were donated in the first 11 months of 2018. While independent researchers have questioned the validity of officially reported statistics, this article demonstrates the regime’s sustained efforts to explain how so many transplants could take place in China without relying on organs from executed prisoners, a practice that supposedly ended in 2015.
China forecasted to lead global transplant economy in near future
A recent forecast presents a complete assessment of the international transplant market with future trends, current growth factors, historical data, as well as statistically supported and industry validated market data. China is a major contributor to the global organ transplant economy, estimated to exceed 51 billion dollars by 2025. Both Chinese and Indian markets for organ transplants are the most competitive. In the United States, a kidney transplant may cost $100,000 whereas in China, the same operation may cost $70,000 or be as low as $5,000 in India.