PRESS RELEASE June 23, 2015: Global panel will draw attention to illegal forced organ harvesting in China: two million people urge UN to act

GENEVA, 23 June, 2015 – Six months after the People’s Republic of China announced to end the forced harvesting of organs from prisoners, an international panel of physicians, scholars, and activists will convene to examine China’s failure to fulfill that announcement, especially with regards to prisoners of conscience.

On Wednesday, 24 June, 2015, at the Palais des Nations, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) will host global authorities on the practice of illegally harvesting organs from prisoners in China. Despite the announcement from PRC authorities in December, there is strong reason and evidence to state that the practice goes on, and that it disproportionately targets Falun Gong practitioners, a group China has never acknowledged harvesting organs from, despite reports of UN Special Rapporteurs, extensive investigations and overwhelming evidence.
In 2012, the international medical ethics advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting initiated a global petition that calls on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to seek an immediate cessation of the forced organ harvesting and to call for an end of its root cause—the violent persecution of the spiritual discipline.
Almost two million people from more than 50 countries and regions have signed the petition in the past three years. The sheer volume of concern demonstrated by this support shows that silence is not an option and that the United Nations has a sincere moral obligation to acknowledge and act upon this urgent crisis.
The petition was supported by leading non-government organizations: the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty (NRPTT), and branches of the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) and the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV). Please accept this invitation to attend the panel discussion and update on the current critical situation of forced organ harvesting and organ trafficking.
Location: Palais des Nations, 8 – 14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10
Date: Wednesday, 24 June, 2015
Time: 16:00 – 17:30
Subject: Trafficking in human organs
Organized by:  Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty and DAFOH


Prof. Dr. med. Huige Li (DAFOH)
Silvan Fedier (IGFM)
Christoph Wiedmer (GfbV)
Carlos Iglesias, Esq. (DAFOH)


Katerina Angelakopoulou, MD
Tel: +39-3486621736
[email protected]