Survey on transplant tourism in China

Survey on transplant tourism in China

In the effort to end forced organ harvesting, i.e. the organ procurement without free, voluntary consent, DAFOH informs the international medical community and the public. In this process, DAFOH often receives new information from medical doctors who report that patients continue to travel to China for organ transplants despite the 2007 transplant law in China that prohibits organ transplantation to foreigners.
The amount of information and reports that DAFOH receives is beyond the threshold where one would assume that these are isolated cases. Medical doctors from many countries are reporting that, to date, physicians send their patients for transplants to China. Patients are also disclosing information, having taken the initiative to go to China independently to receive an organ transplant.
To date, the rationale for shocking and unprecedented short wait times for transplantations in China is not transparent, and there is significant evidence that indicates that prisoners of conscience are the primary source for these organs.
The following questionnaire survey aims to collect additional information on the secretive practice of transplant tourism. DAFOH plans to bring this issue to the attention of medical and other relevant organizations
Your participation is essential and will help to save lives.


Survey questionnaire:

[raw][contact-form subject=”Survey on transplant tourism in China” to=”[email protected]”] [contact-field label=”1. Do you know of any patients who have gone to China for transplants after 2007 (this marks the year when transplantation to foreigners was prohibited in China)?” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”2. Do you know of medical doctors who have sent their patients to China for transplants after 2007?” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”3. For each case, which organ was transplanted and how long did the patient wait in China before receiving the transplant?” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”4. Where was the transplant performed (city and name of hospital), and what was the name of the transplant surgeon who performed the transplantation?” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”5. Who arranged the contact with the transplant team in China? Was the doctor in the home country involved in arranging the transplant in China?” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”6. Did the patient’s health insurance pay for the transplant, or did the patient pay the fee for the service?” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”7. Other comments? Please consider providing your name, email or other contact information for follow up questions. (DAFOH will not share your contact information without your consent.)” type=”textarea” /] [/contact-form][/raw]
Thank you!