Unethical Organ Harvesting Practices in China are discussed at a Series of Events in Taiwan

In the last week of February 2013, a delegation of medical doctors and lawyers attended a series of events to report about the unethical organ harvesting practices in China.

The events included forums and hearings in universities, the Taiwanese Yuan and other administrative branches.

On February 28, an International Conference on Medical Safety in Organ Transplantation Abroad and Trends in Global Legislation has been held in Taipei. The conference ended with a Concluding Statement.

The panelists of the conference also presented their perspectives and expertise at a round table discussion on public TV.

In February 2013, the Taipei Bar Association issued a public statement that addressed the unethical organ harvesting practices in China.

The events were reported in Taipei Times, NTDTV, EpochTimes, and other media.